Odyssée Sentimentale Editorial

Capsule d'une Odyssée Sentimentale

« Have you ever asked yourself what type of love story we’d be? You know, if we were a novel. Would we be a Latin tale of one night of passion followed by decades of waiting without a word? Or maybe the hopeless love of Italian passion, doomed to eternal silence when we end up with other people? Are we in a Russian novel? Because if we learned anything from Tolstoj or Pasternak I’d say let’s maybe stay away from train tracks, or train stations all together. But after all, I think we might be French, destined to an “I’d die for love” type of odyssée sentimentale. »

This is the capsule created for the annual Tincal Lab challenge that this edition was dedicated to jewelry and literature. The jewels and photoshoot don’t associate with a specific book, but rather explore how each culture traditionally has stereotypes that reflect their cultural values and norms even in how they write about love. This is what this capsule collection embodies in its hand engraved and moulded unique pieces. I/I

The exhibition will continue until the end of 2023 and is currently being hosted at the Larverk Gallery in Gothenburg - an UNESCO city of poetry - as part of a collection curated by Lena Lindhal that connects Jewelry and Poetry.

Art direction by Amàlgama jewels - Photographs by Veronica Mariani

All images are intellectual property of Amàlgama Jewels, if you are interested in usage please contact us here:


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